Adaptive Radiation in Sticklebacks


In Progress:




Speciation in nature: the threespine stickleback model systems

Phenotypic Divergence Correlated With Ecological Variables:

Reimchen, T. E. 1980. Spine-deficiency and polymorphism in a population of Gasterosteus aculeatus: an adaptation to predators? Can. J. Zool. 58:1232-1244.

Reimchen, T. E. 1994. Predators and evolution in threespine stickleback. in Evolution of the threespine stickleback (M.A. Bell and S. A. Foster, eds.), pp 240-273. Oxford University Press.

T. E. Reimchen 1988. Structural Relationships Between Spines and Lateral Plates in Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), Evolution  37:931-946 (link)

Bell, M. A., G. Ortí, J. A. Walker, and J. A. Koenings. 1993. Evolution of pelvic reduction in threespine stickleback: a test of competing hypotheses. Evolution 47:906-914. (link)

Walker, J.A. and M.A. Bell. Net evolutionary trajectories of body shape evolution within a microgeographic radiation of threespine sticklebacks. Journal of Zoology, 252:293-302.

Major axis of body shape variation among threespine sticklebacks (highly correlated with amount of lake that can support aquatic vegetation)

Second axis of body shape variation among threespine sticklebacks (highly correlated with presence/absence of predatory fish)

Developmental Genetics & Genomics of Phenotypic Divergence:

Spine Length and Pelvic Development: Evolution's Mirror in a Fish's Spines

Michael D. Shapiro, Melissa E. Marks, Catherine L. Peichel, Benjamin K. Blackman, Kirsten S. Nereng, Bjarni Jónsson, Dolph Schluter, David M. Kingsley 2004. Genetic and developmental basis of evolutionary pelvic reduction in threespine sticklebacks. Nature 428, 717-723 (15 Apr 2004) (link)

Lateral Plates: Researchers Trace Evolution to Relatively Simple Genetic Changes

Pamela F. Colosimo, Kim E. Hosemann, Sarita Balabhadra, Guadalupe Villarreal, Jr., Mark Dickson, Jane Grimwood, Jeremy Schmutz, Richard M. Myers, Dolph Schluter, David M. Kingsley 2005. Widespread Parallel Evolution in Sticklebacks by Repeated Fixation of Ectodysplasin Alleles. Science, Vol 307, Issue 5717, 1928-1933 , 25 March 2005 (link)

William A. Cresko, Angel Amores, Catherine Wilson, Joy Murphy, Mark Currey, Patrick Phillips, Michael A. Bell, Charles B. Kimmel and John H. Postlethwait. 2004. Parallel genetic basis for repeated evolution of armor loss in Alaskan threespine stickleback populations. PNAS, 101(6): 6050-6055. (link)

Stanford Genome Evolution Center