Review for Exam 1
(this page is still in progress, so keep coming back between now and the exam)

Pay equal attention to lecture notes, readings from your textbook, and online resources that were discussed in class and linked below.

Topics and Readings: links to online resources are provided

Chapter 4 in Molles Population Genetics and Natural Selection
4.2 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
4.3 The Process of Natural Selection
4.4 Evolution by Natural Selection
4.5 Change Due to Chance

Chapter 8 in Molles Social Relations
8.1 Mate Choice
and pp 190-191, Estimating Heritability Using Regression Analysis

Introductory Concepts:
Levels of Learning (how this relates to exams)
   Interaction (statistical concept, and how it applies to biological phenomena)
Scientific Method (how this applies to asking and answering scientific questions; Philosophy of Science)
   Tinbergen's 4 Levels of Phenotypic Analysis (the levels and examples of their application)

Darwin's Natural Selection (understanding the logical sequence of steps, the underlying quantitative genetics and population biology, and being able to apply this to new situations)

Natural Selection (kinds of selection, examples)

Speciation (allopatric, but also see sympatric and parapatric; isolating mechanisms; effects of reproductive isolation versus gene flow)

Genetics of Speciation in Monkeyflowers: text, slides

Ring Species: Greenish Warblers