Hawks & Doves
The Hawks & Doves game is an example of a two player game, where each player is assumed to be identical in competitive ability. In other words, it's a symmetrical contest. The two players compete for a resource, and the fitness obtained from an encounter is proportional to the payoff each player receives. Hawks are willing to risk injury in an escalated contest; whereas, Doves are not. Let V = the value of a contested resource, and C = the cost of escalation. Below appears the payoff matrix, where the elements in the matrix are 'your' payoffs.
Figure 1. The Payoff Matrix.
The decision variable is PH; that is, the contestants choose a probability of playing Hawk, PH, for any encounter with an opponent. The object of the game is to find an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for PH for the population, such that when it's common it cannot be invaded by a rare mutant alternative strategy.
The fitnesses of the two strategies are given by:
WH = PH (V-C)/2 + (1 - PH) V
WD = PH 0 + (1 - PH) V/2
To solve this game graphically, we plot our Fitnesses, WH and WD, versus Hawk Frequency, PH. For any given level of PH, if WH > WD, then PH increases; if WH < WD, then PH decreases, and if WH = WD, then PH remains constant. Once PH stops changing, either because it has been driven to 0 or 1, or because WH = WD, then we have reached the evolutionarily stable strategy, or ESS.
There are two cases to this problem.
Case 1: V > C. If we let V = 10 and C = 5, then we can solve this numerical example graphically, which appears below.
Figure 2. Fitnesses, WH and WD, versus Hawk Frequency, PH, for the case of V = 10 and C = 5.
In this case, for all values of PH, WH > WD, therefore PH keeps increasing until it equals 1, which is the pure ESS.
Note that if the population consisted of pure Doves, that population fitness would be 5, but that at the ESS of pure Hawks, population fitness is 5/2. In this case, the average fitness of the population is minimized! Average fitness is given by...
WBar = WH PH + WD (1 - PH)
Case 2: V < C. If we let V = 4 and C = 5, then we can solve this numerical example graphically as well; the solution appears below.
Figure 3. Fitnesses, WH and WD, versus Hawk Frequency, PH, for the case of V = 4 and C = 5.
In this case the two fitness functions cross. To the left of the intersection point, WH > WD, and PH increases, but to the right of the intersection point, WH < WD, and PH decreases. Consequently, the intersection point is a Mixed ESS, which says in each encounter play Hawk with probability of 0.8, which gives a population that plays Hawk 80% of the time.
We can solve for the ESS directly by setting our two fitnesses equal to each other.
At PH *,
PH (V-C)/2 + (1 - PH) V = PH 0 + (1 - PH) V/2 .
If we solve this expression PH*, we get
PH * = V/C
For V = 4 and C = 5, this means that PH * = 0.8. Note that if V > C, then PH * = 1.0.