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Current Lab Members


Craig Sargent

Craig Sargent, Professor
BA Biology 1974, Carleton College, MN
PhD Ecology & Evolution 1981, Stony Brook University, NY
Email: csargent@uky.edu
Phone: (859) 257-8742
Fax: (859) 257-1717
Office/Lab: 115/116 MDR3

Research Interests: My research combines original theory with laboratory and field experiments to study the ecology and evolution of reproductive and life-history strategies in teleost fishes. Most of my current research focuses on conflicts of interest (e.g. "the battle of the sexes," intrasexual competition for mates, parent/offspring conflict), and their implications for the fish mating systems. My research program integrates several levels of biological organization and includes elements of population biology, sensory physiology, and genetics.

Graduate Students

Mary Klugh Hart, PhD Candidate
BS Zoology 1995, University of Florida
MS Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 2002, University of Florida
Email: mkhart@uky.edu
Phone: (859) 257-8742
FAX: (859) 257-1717
Office: 116 MDR3
Co-advised by Phil Crowley
Research Interests: My research focuses on variation in life history and mating strategy in a group of simultaneously hermaphroditic fishes (Serranidae: Serraninae) that use an interesting egg-trading reciprocity behavior. My research is conducted at Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's Bocas Research Station in Panama. My study species, Serranus tortugarum, is a small site-attached zooplanktivore that feeds in groups on protected inter-island reefs of the Caribbean that vary in habitat characteristics and predator regimes. I have found that gonadal allocation, body size distribution, and mating behavior vary among populations, and I am investigating how ecological variables, such as density and predation risk, can explain these observations.


Prashant Kaul, MD; PhD Candidate
MBBS University of New Delhi, 2002
Current Address:
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 
SUNY Upstate Medical University 
Email: kaulpr@upstate.edu 
Phone: (315) 396-2077
Co-advised by Bruce O'Hara
Research Interests: My research, conducted in Bruce O'Hara's lab, focuses on the interactions between meditation, sleep and performance in terms of Reaction Times at the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT).  One question is whether meditation can pay off sleep debt, as has been claimed by some practitioners. Another question, is whether meditation improves performance on tasks that are sensitive to sleep debt, such as reaction time on a Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT). Our data indicate that meditation provides at least a short term enhancement on PVT performance in both rested and sleep-deprived meditators, and in both novice meditators trained at the University of Kentucky and experienced meditators in India. Data from experienced meditators in India also suggest that meditation may be able to replace a portion of sleep time, but cannot totally replace sleep. 


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