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Sargent Lab

BIO 607: Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Biology
Syllabus - Fall 2006

Instructor: Craig Sargent, csargent@uky.edu, Rooms 115-116 MDR3, 859-257-8742

Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2-3pm, or by appointment.

Meeting Time: Wednesdays, 1-3pm, Kuehne Conference Room (an alternative time may be arranged at our first class meeting, depending on the needs of those enrolled)

Course Description: Evolutionary biologists have long been interested in the phenomenon of major evolutionary change,  macroevolution, in terms of increased complexity, new structures and body plans, and new lineages. Recent technological advances in genomics and bioinformatics allow us to study the developmental and genetic bases of macroevolution. We will explore how  macroevolutionary hypotheses are tested through a variety of approaches from the fields of applied mathematics, computer science, geology, and biology (genetics, development, population biology, ecology). For the first half of the semester, the format will be lecture by the instructor for the first hour, followed by group discussion for the second hour. The second half of the semester will be devoted to presentation and discussion of student projects.

List of Topics:

  • Definitions of Macroevolution

  • Historical Geology and the Fossil Record 

  • Phylogenetic Reconstruction and Phylogenetic Inference

  • Origins of New Genes: Gene Duplication (Michael Lynch: pub, lab), Exon Shuffling (Manyuan Long: pub, lab)

  • EvoDevo - Insights from Developmental Genetics: e.g. Arthropod Segmentation (Nipam Patel: pub, lab), Amphibian Metamorphosis (Randal Voss: pub, lab), Fins to Limbs (Günter Wagner: pub, lab)

  • Evolution of Adaptive Radiations: e.g. The Hawaiian Silverswords, Threespine Sticklebacks 

  • Evolution of Complex Structures: e.g. The Eye

  • What do we know about the Cambrian Explosion?

  • Evolution of Information (Tom Schneider: pub, lab) and Complexity (Chris Adami: pub, lab)

  • Practical Applications: Computer Science and Evolutionary Algorithms (John Holland: pub, bioGA Archives); Biotechnology - Directed Enzyme Evolution (Frances Arnold: lab)

  • Compensatory Evolution (an example of microevolution of "irreducible complexity")

Projects: Each student will select a topic in consultation with the instructor, for more in-depth investigation. Ideally, a project's topic will be of particular interest to the student choosing it, and would strengthen her/his individual research program toward a dissertation. A topic should be broadly on the phenomenon of macroevolution, within the context of the evolutionary concepts covered in this course. A project may focus on a particular taxonomic group (e.g. the rift lake cichlids of Africa, the Hawaiian Silverswords), or on a particular evolutionary process (e.g. the genetics of speciation, gene duplication theory, evolution of gene networks). Each student will present her/his project to the class in a presentation lasting approximately one hour, sometime during the second half of the semester.  In addition, each student will submit her/his project either as a term paper, or as a web based essay, complete with links to references to the primary literature, and links to the websites of the experts who are cited.

Grading: Grading is based on class participation (20%) and the student project (80%), which includes an in class presentation, and an essay for the web.

Selected Readings: we will discuss several chapters from the following books, and a lot of papers from the primary literature that will be posted later.

Internet Resources: Access to Journals, Search Engines

Class Schedule
Date Topic Readings
Aug 23 Course Overview None
Aug 30 What is macroevolution? Macroevolution in the 21st Century
Sept 6 Similar genomes can give rise to diverse phenotypes 1. The notion of the Cambrian pananimalia genome; 2. My favorite animal, Trichoplax adhaerens; 3. The Trichoplax PaxB gene
Sept 13 The Genetic Toolkit For Development Carroll et al 2004: Chapter 2
Sept 20 Gene Duplication

1. Force et al 1999.  Preservation of Duplicate Genes by Complementary, Degenerative Mutations.  (empirical)
2. Lynch & Force 2000. The Probability of Duplicate Gene Preservation by Subfunctionalization. (theory)

Sept 27 Adaptive Radiation and Macroevolution in the Hawaiian Silverswords The Hawaiian Silverswords
Oct 4 Evolution of the Toolkit Carroll et al 2004: Chapter 4
Oct 11 Irreducible Complexity? Is the eye irreducibly complex?
Oct 18 Morphological Novelties Chapter 6
Oct 25 Patricia Hartman: Hybridization in New World Warblers  TBA
Nov 1 Carl Hillstrom:
Origins of New Genes: Exon Shuffling
Manyuan Long, Esther Betrán, Kevin Thornton and Wen Wang  2003. The origin of new genes: glimpses from the young and old. Nature Reviews Genetics  4:865-875.
Nov 8 Yoriko Saeki: Evolution of the Hox Complex TBA 
Nov 15 Bridget Sousa: Evolution of the MHC Complex TBA
Nov 29 David Long: Presentation TBA
Dec 6 Nathan Klar: Adaptive Radiation in Rift Lake Cichlids  TBA

Grenier, J. K., T. L. Garber, R. Warren, P. M. Whitington, and S. Carroll, 1997 Evolution of the entire arthropod Hox gene set predated the origin and radiation of the onychophoran/arthropod clade. Curr. Biol. 7:547-553

Ohno, S 1996. The notion of the Cambrian pananimalia genome. PNAS, Vol. 93, Issue 16, 8475-8478, August 6, 1996.


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