303 Introduction to Evolution: Spring 2017
303 - Introduction to Evolution: Summer Online 2014
BIO 325 - Introductory Ecology
- Excel spreadsheet for calculating the Stable Age
Distribution, one generation at a time (link)
- What's
a derivative? Check out the Annenberg/CPB series, the Mechanical
Universe and Beyond, a publlic television version of a first semester
physics class from Cal Tech. The derivatives video is number 3, and it's
pretty approachable.
- Sign
Up Sheet For Appointments
- Syllabus
- Brief
Final Review
- Old
- Population
Biology Resources
Exam 2
- Lotka-Volterra
- Lotka-Volterra
- Life
Table From Class: this is an excel spreadsheet that you can manipulate
- Larger
Life Table From Class
- Review
for Second Exam (This is from last year and is being updated. Ignore the
part on parental investment theory. Note that there is an error, which I
hope to fix tonight, for the formula for Rx. Rx = 1/lx
S ltmt,
not 1/x S ltmt.
What's supposed to be a sigma or summation sign, S,
may appear as a capital S, depending on your web browser.)
- Life
Table: (Here is the cohort life table we went over in class. The first
slide gives formulas for calculating lx, sx,x+1 and Rx;
the second slide gives the life table; the third slide is a graph of lx
vs x; and, the fourth slide is a graph of Rx vs x.)
- Old
- Review
for First Exam
- Class
Syllabus: Summer 4-Week
- Some
Concepts From The First Week of Classes
- Darwin's
Natural Selection
- Karl Popper's
Philosophy of Science
- Adaptive
Radiation in Threespine Sticklebacks
- Genetics of Speciation In Mimulus,
- Adaptive Radiation of the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance;
- Marginal
Value Theorem
- Speciation
- Natural Selection
- Frequently
Asked Questions About Evolution
- Populus: Don
Alstad's Simulation Software in Population Biology (free download)
- Speciation
in nature: the threespine stickleback model systems
- Statistical
Sampling Lab
- Statistical
Sampling Data
BIO 425 - Seminar: Evolutionary Medicine
BIO 508 - Evolution: Life
History Tradeoffs -- Theory and Mechanisms
BIO 607 - Advanced (Topics in) Evolution(ary Biology) Fall
2006: Macroevolution
BIO 608 - Behavioral Ecology & Life Histories
Bio 621 - Current Topics in Biology.
Biometry: The Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments
BIO 770 - Exploring Animal Social Networks